On the Inside

So you've made your house look pretty on the outside and prospective buyers are impressed. Don't mess it up with a dirty house on the inside. Like Annette Bening in American beauty, "I will sell this house today" means getting down and dirty with the clutter in your house.

Cosmetic change inside your house doesn't have to be expensive and can make the world of difference. Number one on the list is to clean, clean, clean. Clean all the windows, dust all the furniture. If necessary shampoo all the rugs and paint any outdated coloured walls.

Clean And Clutter Free

Make sure you thoroughly clean all around the house, including the kitchen and especially the bathroom. Check that the heating and air-conditioning have clean filters and think about removing any items that could be seen as offensive by prospective buyers.

Don't forget to move any valuables out of view from any buyers and you might also want to consider removing furniture that makes the house look cluttered. Also don't forget to clean the inside of the oven, as you never know who may want a peak inside. You don't want them seeing anything resembling a bad day on the barbecue.

Giving your home a nice, clean and fresh smell is also a good idea, especially if you smoke or have pets. You may be used to both types of smell but someone else might not.

The Basics

Clean out the garage, put out some fresh flowers and go to town on the potpourri. Attention to basics is essential in getting someone to buy your home and simply making sure that you pick up after yourself so that your house is always clean on the inside can be the difference between closing the deal and sitting on the driveway with your head in your hands.