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Doubts about dealing with my agent and bank's agent on a bank-owned property
0 posts on this thread and the last post was on November 27th, 2008 8:35 PM by Margaret Burnell
Margaret Burnell - November 27th, 2008 8:35 PM

I have made a cash offer on a bank-owned property, my offer was presented to the bank's agent by my agent and I was offered a loan to purchased this home by the bank's agent informed me and I told him I had made a cash offer and have no interest in taking a loan out, my agent then informed me that the bank's agent is probably getting a kick back for offering me a loan and that I was right not to take it, duh!!!! Two days later after the date the bank was supposed to either accept my offer or counter, I rec'd a call from my agent saying he had rec'd a verbal counter from the bank's agent and that I should come in to sign, I asked if the bank had signed the counter and was told no, the counter was for $9,000 more than what I had offered and my agent told me I should get it signed so we could get things moving before someone else jumped on the house; I told him I want to wait till the bank sends or faxes a signed counter, and he seemed upset because of this....I not feel uneasy that these two agents are trying for more $$$ for themselves. How can I be sure that the bank has seen my orig offer that has now lapsed the date for acceptance?


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