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chakra7 - October 31st, 2008 5:07 PM

Hi. I have an urgent question that needs an urgent response. My real esate agent suggested agreeing to early occupancy in the case that the closing had to be moved back. It so happens it just might have to be and I have not signed a lease to rent elsewhere yet; was waiting to see how much, if any funds, I'd get at closing. However, my agent ill-informed me of just how important it was to have a cushion for closing so this situation would not occur. Now, she just wants me out of my house to please the buyer who wants to move in regardless of my needing more time. What can I legally do to change the early occupancy clause-is there some type of form that can counter this to give me a couple weeks - two at most - to get a lease somewhere? I was to sign on one apartment complex who just had an incident I''m not comfortable with - balcony collapsing and I don't think I should move there - I have young children and don't want to risk something like that. It's an old complex and not sure if they're inspections are up to date.


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