Whilst a licensed home inspector can examine most of your property and give a good account of its general condition and minor faults her or she may not be at the required standard to comment on other important areas of your property.
Home inspectors are familiar with most of the standard systems in a residential structure, but the majority do not have the training to examine any specialty problems that may arise as a result of an inspection.
There are many types of problems that home inspectors may encounter whilst on a routine inspection of your house, some which may be more common than others. For example, a home inspector may discover some damage to the drainage system of your home, but hasn’t the necessary skill and experience to assess and quantify the damage. On this occasion a specialist would have to be called to come and examine the damage and produce a report on its condition and the steps that are needed to fix the problem.
One important note to also consider is that a home inspector is no allowed to carryout any kind of destructive testing, of any sort, which will then prevent the inspector from making a complete examination of certain portions of systems, such as furnaces.
Further to finding a problem that they can not deal with, the home inspector may find conditions in a particular structure that require further analysis. Whilst there are any number of conditions that may require special analysis, common analysis methods are normally performed by a specialty inspector; for example, a soil engineer, a testing laboratory, a furnace service company, or a licensed electrical contractor.
If you have any questions about what you need to do the home inspector finds any special faults or problems, your realtor will no doubt be happy to assist you and guide you in the right direction, or through the process.