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Len Carlson - February 6th, 2007 7:14 PM

Hello,rnI'm thinking of buying a row house in philadelphia for cash, thus eliminating the need to deal with a mortage company. I have just been involved (as an observer) in a house purchase for 180,000 in Virginia, and monkying around with the mortgage company and jumping through all the company's hoops was a nightmare for the purchaser. Also, the settlement costs came to over $8,000. Everyone in the world got into the deal and charged a fee. I couldn't believe it!rnWhere can I find out how things are in Philadelphia when you pay cash?.rnI think cash payment will reduce my settlement costs by at least 75% of the amount a mortgage company would cause. Am I right?rnHow can I find out what is included in settlement costs in Philadelphia?rnThanks


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