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Will - January 10th, 2009 1:36 AM

If we see a bank owned home that we like, how do we sell hour house at the same time, or will FHA or someone buy it?

L Sarles - March 1st, 2009 10:35 PM

Exactly, i would like to know the same thing. I'm wondering why this question has not generated any responses?

JB - March 25th, 2009 8:59 PM

I have found that any truly good deals are snapped up within days of becoming available. If it is a foreclosure list you are looking at that wants a membership fee, you will likely not be able to find that good of a deal once you give them your money. If it were going to sell for hundreds of dollars but is worth thousands investors will jump on it. This is what I have seen and I do not trust foreclosure sites.


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