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Colleen - August 11th, 2009 4:27 PM

Can a closing date be pushed back by the seller (the home is an estate) because of repairs not made by the seller? If so, is money refunded to me (buyer). Such as hand money, home inspector. We were offered $1000 cash at closing to make repairs ourself. The realor said that it was acceptable. Now the Attorney in charge of the estate is asking that a check be made out to a Construction company to make repairs. All of this took time and it seems the closing date is being pushed back. In addition, we have to pay to have furniture delivered on a later date (new furniture). Thank you in advance for you help.

Heather Snyder - September 2nd, 2009 4:20 PM

Martin, You have waited 7 days. We submitted na offer 3 days ago and put in our contract that we would like to hear something back today by noon and well time is going by and still nothing... Why do we have to abide by the contract but they don't? How is that fair.


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