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shanine smith - July 26th, 2005 1:45 AM

Hi a few months ago I was purchasing a home and the deal fell through, I had put down 1,000 dollars in earnest money, the selling agent said that she was told by the loan officer that I was dealing with that one of my w2 was tamper with or change, and that the loan was off, I called my loan officer and she said that the reason the loan was off is that I did not have enough money to close they send me the denial letter to show why the loan was denial and that is what the letter states that the loan was turn down because of no money to close it did not state anything els, well the same people when with me again with another loan officer at a diffrent mortage company and that loan fell through on that loan because they said my income was not enough to purchase the home, the seller is trying to keep my earnest money but both denial letters from the mortage companys have nothing about fraud or anything, when I talk with the first loan company she said that I was surpose to get my earnest money back. can some one tell me what to do and were to go and filed an appeal


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