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xavier paredes - June 28th, 2008 5:11 PM

I've submitted two offers in an attempt to purchase a bank owned property. However, the property is being listed by a real estate agency therefore, I'm not dealing directly with the bank. My first offer was declined (supposedly) and so was my second offer, which was very reasonable in my opinion.rnrnHere's my question: I'm wondering if there's a way I can find out if the bank actually got hold of my offers. I was told by someone else that sells REOs for a living that sometimes the real estate agent can/will withhold some offers because they are pulling some stings to give preference to other preferred customers/clients or friends. Do these kinds of things actually happen? Do I have the legal right to demand a document from the seller (i.e. bank) that indicates that my offer has been declined?rnrnThanks in advance for any advise.rnXavierrnrn

Martin - September 6th, 2007 3:10 PM

Why would the seller bother to counter-offer a low offer, when he can simply take the higher one?

Think about it: Party "A" offers you $500 for your car, party "B" offers you $750. Do you go to party "A" and begin negotiations? No. You take the $750 from Party "B" and the car is sold.


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