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jamesp - June 21st, 2005 2:50 AM

the seller asked for extend right before we were about going to the title company for closing. the reason is they don't have enough money for closing. what i can do? actully, i have given them 7 days, but if they still don't have the money, what i can do? thanks

Perry - November 12th, 2004 9:03 PM

This might cost more money and require more effort than it is worth. Enclosing your pool won't increase your resale value very much so think about this before you start building.

Toni - January 7th, 2008 11:23 PM

I think it will increase your value. We enclosed our pool and it added 1,350 sq. ft. to our house. Along with the enclosure we added a bar above ,dry sauna, bathroom and sitting area. I think it was the best decision we ever made. We bought our house for 728k two years ago and it just appraised for 1.7 million. We have cameras and alarms for child safety and an intercom as well. It has a stone floor along with stone walls a 1/4 of the way up. It depends on how you do it though as we put a lot of money into keeping mold at bay and extravagant windows. Our total cost was $375k to do it. Not a bad return to say the least....


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