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Linda - October 11th, 2004 3:14 PM

My agent says I'll have to pay extra if I want the hot tub to stay in the house that I'm about to purchase.... Is he crazy or what?

Stephen - October 8th, 2004 9:16 PM

The answer is in the paperwork. Most offers will indicate what is included and what isn’t. A hot tub sounds like an attached fixture to me and 99.9% of the time, all fixtures are included. Sounds like you haven’t even put in an offer yet so consider this when you finally do it. You referred to “My Agent” but are they also working for the Seller. If so, it is a Dual Agency situation and may be slanted away from you. Get your “Own Agent”.

Marco - October 11th, 2004 3:13 PM

You should try asking your seller to include the hot tub into the asking price as a buyer incentive.

ursula - October 11th, 2004 3:14 PM

Unless the hot tub is removable it should have been included in the asking price.


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