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Alistair - September 20th, 2004 6:48 PM

I've been trying to sell my New Orleans home for four months now but I'm not getting a lot of offers. Is it worth the costs of home renovation to sell the home and would I be able to recoup those costs with the sale?

Lenny - September 20th, 2004 4:47 PM

You probably won't be able to recoup all of the costs of home renovation when you sell your home, but it seems like you've been trying to sell this for awhile. It might be worth it to make some repairs and hopefully a buyer will come along.

Tamir - September 20th, 2004 4:49 PM

I always thought that home renovation before sellign a home was overrated. When I bought my home, there was a lot that I wanted to change. I didn't like the layout of the house and gradually I made the renovations that I wanted. By spending money on renovations, you might be makign your house appeal to a smaller perecnetage of buyers. Then again, I based my decision on buying my home on the neighborhood and the lot size.

Maggie - September 20th, 2004 6:48 PM

It really depends on your neighborhood and the houses that surround yours. If your house is the smallest and least attractive on your block you might want to make some changes to attract buyers. On the other hand if you already have a relatively attractive home that is at par with the surrounding houses it might just be the market that is affecting the sale of your home. If this is so hold off on renos you might just end up needing to ask a price for your renovated home that no one will be able to afford.


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