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Henry Ianno - December 15th, 2004 8:38 PM

Will installing a pool in my backyard increase the resale value of my home?

Art - September 17th, 2004 3:27 PM

Usually pools will not increase the resale value of a house. Some people find them difficult to maintain. You are better off renovating the inside of your home.

Gary - September 17th, 2004 3:28 PM

It really depends on your neighborhood. If your home is the only one in the area that doesn't have a pool, it might be in your best interest to install one so that your home is at par with the others that surround it.

Wally - September 24th, 2004 6:26 PM

Pools are way too much work for most people. On top of that they cost a lot to maintain. I don't think adding a pool will be worth it to you.

yanuk - September 24th, 2004 6:27 PM

I don't agree with Wally. I think it depends where you live if you live in a part of the country where it's warm all year round, buyers in your area might be willing to pay more for a pool.

Les - September 27th, 2004 6:58 PM

You might have more fun once you install a pool, but chances are it won't really increase your resale value unless everyone in your neighborhood has one.

Ned - November 1st, 2004 7:47 PM

Pools are great but make sure that you invest in one that will last. I would suggest a concrete pool instead of one that has a liner cause liners tend to rip and it costs a lot to replace them.

Ursula - November 2nd, 2004 3:17 PM

Depends on where you live.

Fred - November 23rd, 2004 11:04 PM

Having a pool, no matter where you live, will typically raise value. The amount it contributes depends on your state and its' climate/seasons.

Dave - December 13th, 2004 5:49 PM

Depends where you live.

Earl - December 15th, 2004 8:38 PM

I would not get a pool. It can be a pain when it comes to maintenance.


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