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Tim - September 23rd, 2004 7:09 PM

Hey, I've just applied for a mortgage to buy a home in Milwaukee but I've just been offered a job to work in advertising. It's a little less pay than my job in construction but I've always wanted to work in advertising and I'm getting sick of my job. I read somewhere that it isn't a good idea to change jobs while you're buying a home, but I'm not sure if another opportunity like this will come up. Does changing jobs really have that much effect on a mortgage applciation?

Rydell - September 20th, 2004 4:25 PM

I guess it all depends. How secure is this new advertising position? If there's achance that you may be out of that job in a couple of months, mortgage companies will be less likely to approve your application

Samir - September 20th, 2004 4:26 PM

I don't think it's that big of a deal if you're chaning jobs during a mortgage. When I got my mortgage, I changed jobs as well, but it was a higher paying one.

Trudie - September 23rd, 2004 7:09 PM

It's true that lenders want to see that you can hold down a job, but if you have enough money in the bank and you have good credit you shouldn't have a problem getting a mortgage.


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