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Frieda Blackmon - April 18th, 2006 11:39 PM

If the buyer decides not to buy the house, if it is a FHA loan, who gets the Earnest money? FHA or seller

Sarah - April 25th, 2006 6:44 AM

Oh, I don't know about that. My company can do loans in Florida and there is nothing like that. We are in California have to pay 10% to a company we are licensed through to be able to do loans in Florida, but they are a company, and that comes out of OUR pay. We pay nothing to Florida. If you have any questions please, feel free to email me at sarahbixb@gmailcom. I hate when people are being ripped off. I just a fee of just 1%. Most brokers/loan officers charge 2%-4%. It may not seem like much of a difference, but imagine your loan amount being $300,000, if you were charged the average of 3% or 4% it would be $9,000-$12,000 whereas with my fee of 1% at 3,000. That is saving thousands of dollars on the fee alone. I work with wholesale lenders nationwide to get you wholesale prices with tons of products to choose from. Feel free to email me if you have additional questions.
sarahbixb@gmailcom - May 17th, 2006 3:06 AM

No such State fee exists. May I suggest you use a Florida Mortgage Broker instead. Several reasons for doing this..main one being that some lenders have some quirks regarding Florida, Georgia and California and it always is best to use a local Licensed Broker in those states that are most familiar with the lender quirks. Good Luck!


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