Safety Tips for Single Women Home Buyers

Personal Safety Issues

Single women now constitute more than one-third of the growth in real estate ownership since 1994. More single women are buying homes than ever before, and along with the rise in ownership comes an increase in the concern for home protection. Personal safety is a huge issue for women and that concern is now being reflected in the awareness of builders and city planners for increased security measures. Homes, condos, parking lots, streets and sidewalks are not designed with women or their safety in mind. In some major US cities, classes are now being offered for women who are afraid to take public transit.

Generating Fear

It is unfortunate that crime and violence have escalated to the place where a woman feels unsafe walking in her own neighborhood. Many women who buy homes are only able to afford those in neighborhoods that are very close to high crime areas. The news media are full of crime reports and they focus their energy on the violent and sensational crimes, breeding even more fear. It is little wonder women are fearful and concerned about assault, rape, being mugged or harassed, or even being murdered. Fear is a healthy emotion and it would do women well to pay heed to the gut instincts they experience when they sense something out of the ordinary. However, living in fear demands a great deal of energy and allows little time to relax.

Being Safety Conscious

In order to be prepared for home ownership safety, a woman need not be afraid to buy but should shop with security at the front of her thinking. For safety-conscious home buying there are a few things to keep top of mind.

If you are planning to buy a detached home, then look for one with the garage attached to the house rather than a detached garage. When winter comes and the days get shorter, many workers leave home in the dark and arrive back again at the end of the day in the dark. Give some thought to how you might feel walking from a detached garage to your house. Regardless whether the garage is attached or detached, have an electronic garage door opener.

Condos in gated communities offer a certain measure of comfort. Most homeowner associations change the codes on the gates regularly for safety reasons, to prevent unauthorized vehicles from entering. Be sure to check that the gate is timed to close before a second car can get through.

Lighting is a big concern. Women don't like to be held prisoner in their home and would much prefer being able to get out for a stroll after dinner or walk to the local store to pick something up. Dimly lit areas feel unsafe and often are. Abundant lighting and motion-sensor lighting offer more security than dim lighting does.

On your list of things you want in a house, add a security system. Find out if the security system in the house you are hoping to buy is leased or purchased and what it costs to operate it per month. Find out how the house is wired and if the doors and windows are monitored on a system. Learn who answers breaches - the police or security personnel from the alarm company.