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Carolyn Maurin - November 10th, 2004 2:51 AM

where can I obtain further information on De Luna's TX concrete homes? Are we able to view one already built?

Tamara - November 10th, 2004 9:14 PM

This is a good indication that you are paying exactly what the house is worth on the market right now. You got lucky!

Melanie - November 12th, 2004 8:59 PM

If you are paying the same price that was given to you by the appraiser at least you know that you are not overpaying

Fred - November 22nd, 2004 4:22 AM

Typically, appraisers will value your appraisal based on the sales contract price (even though it may be worth more) so long as the contract price holds present market value. So in short, it sounds like you are at least not overpaying for the house.

kingston - November 27th, 2004 8:32 PM

It looks like you got a fair deal. Also you want to check to see what the homes in the area are appraising at to make sure your home is along the same line. What about your closing cost did you pay those or did the seller pay some of it? That also determines how great the deal was but looks like you came out on top especially if your home is in an area where the value of property is appreciating in value.


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