Setting the Stage Sells Your Home

Selling your house is all about first impressions. Like in a job interview the first impression always counts and trying to overcome a negative first impression is tough, especially when you are trying to get people to part with very large sums of money.

You should always try to make the best first impression and there are several essential things that you should consider to do this.

Curb Appeal

The first important thing to consider is 'curb appeal'. How the exterior of your property looks will go a long way to determining if anyone will look at it and as such you should make every effort to clean and tidy this part of the house. Mow the lawn, clean the flowerbed and tidy the garage: all simple things, but ones that can make a huge difference in the long run.

The Interior

After cleaning up the outside of your house move onto the inside. Concentrate on making it respectable and get rid of any clutter. People wishing to buy your home want to see it, not some junk inside it. Clean down all counter tops and clean out the cupboards and overflowing closets. Remove any furniture you don't need as this will open up some extra space.


Odors inside your home may also be a problem, so freshen up the house especially if you have cats or dogs. Put freshener in every room and scrub all carpets and drapes to remove any bad smells.

Prospective buyers want everything to be working nice and properly when they buy a house, so they are very astute in finding any problems on a walk through. Don't let them find anything that may make them look at the house in a negative way by doing any repairs before hand, and this can include changing burnt out light bulbs and fixing leaky faucets.